4 juillet 2013

Google: réponse au Congrès américain concernant les Google Glass

Le 16 mai 2013, huit membres du Congrès américain ont fait parvenir une lettre à Google afin d'obtenir certaines précisions sur les lunettes de l'entreprise (billet). Le 7 juin dernier, Google a fait parvenir sa réponse aux questions et a notamment indiqué que:
  • "Protecting the security and privacy of our users is one of our top priorities. We recognize that new technology is going to bring up new types of questions, so we have been thinking carefully about how we design Glass from its inception".  
  • "Google does not provide any facial recognition capabilities in Glass, and we will not be approving any facial recognition Glassware at this time. We've consistently said that Google won't add face recognition features to our own services unless we have appropriate privacy protections in place";  
  • "Use of Google Glass will be governed by the terms of the Google Privacy Policy and no changes to the Google Privacy Policy are planned for Glass".  
Joe Barton, un des signataires de la lettre envoyée à Google en mai dernier se dit déçu des réponses données par Google et ce dans les termes suivants: 
"I am disappointed in the responses we received from Google. There were questions that were not adequately answered and some not answered at all. Google Glass has the potential to change the way people communicate and interact. When new technology like this is introduced that could change societal norms, I believe it is important that people’s rights be protected and vital that privacy is built into the device. I look forward to continuing a working relationship with Google as Google Glass develops."

Pour aller plus loin, 
  • GOOGLE, Re: Letter, June 7, 2013 (via le site Web du sénateur Joe Barton).

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