11 juin 2011

Facebook et la reconnaissance faciale

Depuis le 7 juin 2011, Facebook a rendu accessible la reconnaissance faciale à tous les amis du réseau social. Des voix s'élèvent contre cette fonctionnalité qui est activée par défaut, c'est-à-dire sans le consentement des personnes concernées.
Et, on peut lire sur le site de l'Electronic Privacy Information Center l'annonce suivante:
"EPIC Files Complaint, Urges Investigation of Facebook's Facial Recognition Techniques - Today [le 10 juin 2011] EPIC, and several privacy organizations, filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission about Facebook's automated tagging of Facebook users. EPIC alleged that the service was unfair and deceptive and urged the FTC to require Facebook to suspend the program, pending a full investigation, the establishment of stronger privacy standards, and a requirement that automated identification, based on user photos, require opt-in consent. EPIC alleged that "Users could not reasonably have known that Facebook would use their photos to build a biometric database in order to implement a facial recognition technology under the control of Facebook." EPIC warned that "absent injunctive relief by the Commission, Facebook will likely expand the use of the facial recognition database it has covertly established for purposes over which Facebook users will be able to exercise no meaningful control.""
(Source: EPIC)
Voir également:

(26/06/2011) "Use of Facial Recognition Technology Raises Privacy Concerns", Privacy and Information Security Law Blog, June 24, 2011.

(04/08/2011) "L'Allemagne critique la reconnaissance faciale de Facebook", Le Monde, 03 Août 2011. 

(13/08/2011) Benjamin FERRAN, "La reconnaissance de visage de Facebook inquiète", Le Figaro, 4 août 2011.

(31/08/2011) Sylvain MÉTILLE, "La reconnaissance faciale sur Facebook pose problèmes tant en droit européen qu'aux USA", Droit et Nouvelles technologies, 29 août 2011. 

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